How to Verify Your CHIMP on Metamask

Cronos Chimp Club
3 min readDec 11, 2021

Firstly, welcome to the Cronos Chimp Club! And congratulations on obtaining your chimp or chimps. Now, you want to verify your chimp on discord, but you bought your chimp on Defi Wallet.

Unfortunately, verifying through the CDC Defi Wallet is not possible at the moment ( and we do not know when this will be fix). Hence the alternative of metamask.

  1. Let’s start off by downloading the app or web extension from
  2. For this next step it could be done in either of two ways, depending on your preference: (A) You can just create a new account with Metamask and transfer your chimp to that new wallet or (B) Import your existing CDC Defi wallet into Metamask.

A) You just created a new account with a password; don’t forget to store/save important information like your recovery seed phrase of the account and/or the private keys of that wallet.
Now that you have your wallet all setup and want to transfer, you can click “Account” on Metamask to “copy-to-clipboard”. This will be the address you will be sending to over the Cronos network ( Keep in mind that your Cronos address is the same your ETH address; same wallet different networks)

B) To import your CDC Defi wallet into Metamask, you must obtain your “Recovery Phrase”. Write them down because you will need to use it for this next step. Enter the sequence of words in the box provided and create your password. Boom! Now your CDC Defi Wallet is the same as your in Metamask.

3. Connecting to Cronos Mainnet Network
For new Metamask users out there, you will realize that your wallet is connected to the Ethereum network by default and you wouldn’t be able to interact with the dApps on Cronos.

Don’t worry. Click on “Networks” and go to “Add network”.

This will be information that needs to be inputted for the Cronos Mainnet.

Network Name: Cronos Chain


ChainID: 25

Symbol: CRO

Block Explorer URL:

Once you have added the Cronos network, switch to it.

4. Verifying your Chimp.

A) Go To

B) Click on any chimp you own (you only need to verify 1 chimp but if you sell that chimp, you must verify another one)

C) Click on connect to Discord

D) Sign message

E) Follow prompts

F) Welcome to the Verified Chimp Club!


After I verify, can I send my chimp back to my CDC Defi wallet?
No, it will have to stay on MM for verification, or until CDC updates/fixes it.


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Rarity Sniper:

